Sunday, 29 December 2013

The Dentist in Silver Spring Explains TMJ Disorders, PART 4: Treatment Options, Continued

This four-part article series provides an in-depth explanation of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), looking at causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Welcome back to our four-part article series on the causes, symptoms and treatment options for the disorders that affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In our previous article, the third installment of the series, an experienced oral surgeon in Silver Spring began discussing the various conservative treatments there are to alleviate the pain, stiffness and discomfort associated with temporomandibular disorders (TMD).

When used collectively, these therapies offer a solid starting point and, in most cases, a conclusive solution to the problem. If, however, the basic treatment approach is not successful, the dentist may recommend a more aggressive treatment approach, such as ultrasound, radio wave therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or trigger-point injections. Surgery is a last resort and is usually reserved for severe cases of TMD.

In this article, the final installment of the series, a Maryland dental implants specialist will explain what these more aggressive treatment methods are.

Alternative TMD Treatment Approaches:

Maryland Dental Specialist1. Ultrasound supplies the joint with a deep heat that alleviates stiffness and pain.

2. Radio Wave Therapy increases blood flow to the joint via gentle electrical stimulation. This helps to relieve pain.

3. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) makes use of gentle electrical currents to relax the facial muscles and joint, thus providing relief.

4. Trigger-point Injections directly supply painful and tense facial and neck muscles with pain medication.

Surgery for TMD

“A last resort treatment for temporomandibular disorders is surgery,” explains the dental expert in Silver Spring. “Only once we have exhausted all other treatment options will be recommend surgery, predominantly because the outcomes of this treatment cannot be reversed.”

There are three main kinds of TMD related surgical procedures and the one recommended to Silver Spring residents depends upon their particular problem.

1. Arthrocentesis

An arthrocentesis is a simple and straightforward procedure that can be performed in the office of a skilled dentist. It’s usually recommended to Silver Spring residents who have experienced a sudden onset of TMD symptoms, such as lockjaw or restricted opening. These patients will not have a significant history of TMD. The procedure is performed under anesthesia and involves the irrigation and sterilization of the affected joint.

2. Arthroscopy

An arthroscopy is performed under general anesthesia. The dentist will first determine the cause of TMD by examining the joint and surrounding area via a small incision and a special dental light and tiny camera. He or she will correct and realign the disc and joint and remove and inflamed tissue (if present). This procedure only involves a small, minor incision and so is far less invasive than open joint surgery. It also has a shorter recovery time.

3. Open Joint Surgery

TMD Surgery Procedure“In certain severe cases of TMD, open joint surgery may be necessary in order to provide the patient with permanent respite from the painful symptoms of this condition,” explains a Maryland dental specialist. “No dentist recommends surgery lightly, so it’s only after much deliberation that he or she will decide to proceed with open joint surgery.”

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves the complete exposure of the joint, unlike an arthroscopy, which only requires a small incision. The exact procedure followed to provide treatment depends on cause of TMD, for example, the deterioration of the bone comprising the joint or the presence of growths and tumors. The dentist in Silver Spring will advise you accordingly and explain what you can expect prior to the procedure.

Monday, 23 December 2013

Silver Spring Cosmetic Dentists Explain TMJ Disorders, PART 3: Treatment Options

This four-part article series provides an in-depth explanation of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), looking at causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Welcome back to our four-part article series on the causes, symptoms and treatment options for the disorders that affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the articulating joint between the jawbone and temporal plate of the skull. In our previous article, the second installment of the series, an experienced dentist and orthodontist in Silver Spring MD described the various symptoms of TMD before explaining the various checks dental healthcare specialists do in order to diagnose the condition. In this article and the next, we shall take an in-depth look at the treatment options facing Silver Spring residents with TMD.

The Treatment Options for TMD

Silver Spring Cosmetic Dentist“Treating TMD is far more complex than simply taking a course of prescribed medication,” explains a Silver Spring cosmetic dentist. “The kind of treatment we recommend also depends substantially on how severe a patient’s condition is. Usually, the best approach is to begin with conservative therapy, which should appease the symptoms. If the symptoms persist, surgery may ultimately be required.”

In this article, an orthodontist will explain the non-surgical treatment approaches. In Part 4, the final installment of the series, we’ll look at the surgical options.

Basic Temporomandibular Disorder Treatment

Most Silver Spring cosmetic dentists agree that the best way to treat TMD is to begin with a combination of conservative therapies. The goal of these therapies is to reduce inflammation and swelling, alleviate pain and eliminate the source of stress or strain aggravating the TMJ.

Adjust Your DietAdjust Your Diet: Refrain from eating hard, crunchy foods (hard candy, crisps, raw vegetables, ice, caramels) and foods that require you to stretch open your mouth to fit. Rather, stick to a softer diet (yogurt, soup, cooked vegetables, mashed potato, fish, etc.) for a few weeks or as recommended by your dentist. Cut smaller bites and chew gently. You’re trying to rest the TMJ and give the swelling and inflammation a chance to subside.

Heat and Cold Therapy: Apply an ice pack to your temple for approximately 10 minutes. Your orthodontist will show you how to perform some easy jaw stretching exercises, which you should subsequently do. After stretching, press a warm, moist towel to the same temple region for five minutes. Repeat this procedure two to three times a day.

Medication for the Symptoms: The orthodontist in Silver Spring may prescribe you some pain medications (for example, Aleve, Advil or Motrin) to help alleviate the discomfort and swelling associated with TMD. You may also be required to take muscle relaxants, especially if the cause behind your TMD is determined to be teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Nighttime Night Guards and Splints: Wearing a mouth guard at night when you are more likely to grind and clench your teeth prevents the damage these bad habits have on the biting surfaces of the teeth, as well as lessening the stress it puts on the TMJ. A mouth guard or splint (which is worn all the time and not just at night) will also position the teeth correctly, eliminating the joint strain caused by a bad bite.

Resting the Jaw: “Simply resting the jaw joint by avoiding extreme movements, eating soft foods and keeping yawning to a minimum, you can give the TMJ a chance to heal, thus reducing pain and inflammation” explains the Silver Spring cosmetic dentist. “Other habits to avoid include resting your chin on your hand or cradling a telephone between your ear and neck. Bad posture can also exacerbate TMD. Sit up straight!”

Seek Treatment for Dental Problems: If a bad bite is to blame for your TMD, you may need to seek corrective dental treatment for crooked or missing teeth! Balancing the biting surfaces of your teeth will eliminate any strain on the TMJ caused by a bad bite.

Keep Your Mouth Slightly Parted: For as long as possible during the course of the day. This will reduce the pressure on the TMJ and prevent you from clenching or grinding your teeth.

Stay Tuned for Part 4

To find out what the Silver Spring cosmetic dentist has to say about what surgical treatment options are available for TMD, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Silver Spring Dental Healthcare Professionals Explain TMJ Disorders, PART 2: Symptoms and Diagnosis

This four-part article series provides an in-depth explanation of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), looking at causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Welcome back to our four-part article series on the causes, symptoms and treatment options for the disorders that affect the articulating joint between the jawbone and temporal plate of the skull, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). In our previous article, the first installment of the series, an experienced Silver Spring dental healthcare practitioner explained to us what TMD is (temporomandibular disorder) and what’s likely to cause it. It was also explained that Silver Spring residents between the ages of 20 and 40 are most likely to suffer from it, as are women.

Side Note: Why the gender bias? TMD is linked with stress. Emotional/psychological strain tends to cause people to grind their teeth, tighten their facial muscles and clench their jaw, which puts strain on the joint and can lead to the inflammation of the surrounding muscles. Perhaps men are more adept at releasing stress and tension, while women tend to “bottle it up”. This is pure conjecture, but good food for thought.

In this article, the second installment of the series, a dentist in Silver Spring MD runs us through the symptoms of TMD before explaining how this condition is diagnosed.

The Symptoms of TMD, Continued

Silver Spring DentalYou may have TMD if you have noticed one or more of the following symptoms:

1. Pain, discomfort, stiffness or tenderness in the jaw joint, your neck and shoulders, your face and in or immediately around the ear. This discomfort may become especially apparent when you articulate the TMJ, such as when you eat, speak or yawn.

2. Dizziness, hearing problems and tinnitus, a ringing sound in the ears.

3. There’s a popping, grating or clicking sound in the joint when you articulate your jaw. “This isn’t necessarily accompanied by discomfort or tenderness, although it can be,” explain Silver Spring dental healthcare specialists.

4. Difficulty opening your mouth wide. You may also on occasion find your jaw locking or getting stuck in position.

5. A feeling of muscle fatigue in the face and neck.

6. Chronic headaches, earaches, toothaches, neck aches and pain in the upper shoulders.

7.  Facial swelling on one or both sides of the face.

8. A feeling that your upper and lower jaws are not meeting properly, resulting in an uncomfortable bite.

How Do Silver Spring Dental Practitioners Diagnose TMD?

TMD Diagnosis

As it was previously explained, the exact cause of TMD is not always clear, which can make it tricky to identify. Many patients are led to believe that they have other medical problems, since the symptoms of TMD manifest in a great number of areas on the body and not only the joint. As such, they might not seek the help of a dentist in Silver Spring MD. Additionally, there are a host of other conditions (gum disease, sinus problems and toothache) that come hand-in-hand with similar symptoms, so diagnosis needs to be done carefully and precisely.

Silver Spring dental practitioners typically follow this procedure in diagnosing TMD:

  • Take down your detailed medical history to make sure your symptoms aren’t likely the cause of any other medical condition.
  • Examine both of your TM joints for any tenderness and/or pain.
  • He or she will listen to the joint while you open and close your mouth to make sure they can’t hear any grating, clicking or popping sounds.
  • He or she will assess the movement of the jaw, looking out for stiffness, limited motion.
  • Your facial muscles and bite alignment will also be examined.
  • Some Silver Spring dental professional make use of full face Cone Beam CT scans to take an uncompromised look at what’s going on beneath the muscle and soft tissue.
  • In severe and persistent cases of TMD, an MRI may be needed to provide the dentist with a better view of the soft tissues in the face and jaw. This enables him or her to see if the joint is in the proper position and whether or not it is the likely cause behind the pain and discomfort the patient experiences.

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To find out what the dentist in Silver Spring MD has to say about what treatment options are available for TMD, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Silver Spring Orthodontist Explain TMJ Disorders, PART 1: Introduction and Definition

This four-part article series provides an in-depth explanation of Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD), looking at causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Countless Silver Spring residents live for years with recurring chronic migraines, believing that they are simply predisposed to having severe headaches. But did you know that a major cause of chronic headaches is temporomandibular disorder? TMD is a very common condition that affects many people. Unfortunately, it frequently goes without diagnosis because its sufferers simply don’t make the connection between head and neck pain and the smooth functioning of their jaws. In this four-part article series, an experienced Silver Spring orthodontist will be talking to us about TMD: it’s causes, symptoms and treatment options.

What is Temporomandibular Disorder?

Temporomandibular Disorder “Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) refer to a suite of problems that affect the articulating joint of the jawbone,” explains the Silver Spring dentist. “The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is where the mandible (lower jaw) meets the skull at the temple (hence the name of the joint). If you put two fingers against your face right in front of either ear, you’ll feel the joint articulating when you open and close your mouth.”

Just like a well-oiled door hinge, for example, this joint should allow your lower jaw to articulate smoothly and easily from left-to-right and up-and-down. By controlling the motion of the lower jaw, the TMJ enables you to speak, eat and yawn. Sometimes, however, it doesn’t articulate smoothly and when there is a problem with the joint, the surrounding muscles and ligaments can take strain and become inflamed, stiff and painful.

What Causes Temporomandibular Disorders?

“It’s difficult to put a finger on the exact cause of TMD,” says a Silver Spring dental implants dentist. “The cause can be attributed to a wide variety and combination of factors, but the symptoms are linked with problems in the actual joint and the muscles that control the jawbone.”

Silver Spring dentists find the following to be the most common cause of TMD:

  • Bruxism (teeth grinding) and jaw clenching strains the TMJ and can lead to inflammation of the joint and the surrounding muscles and ligaments.
  • Stress can indirectly cause TMD through jaw clenching, teeth grinding and from tightening the facial muscles.
  • Physical injury to the TMJ, the jaw itself or the surrounding muscles from, for example, whiplash in a car accident, can cause TMD.
  • Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. These can affect the joint connecting the mandible to the temporal plate of the skull.
  • “The ball of the mandible can actually become dislocated from the disc or soft cushion of the temporal socket,” says the Silver Spring dental implants specialist. “This causes it to sit unnaturally, straining the surrounding muscles and tissues.”

The Symptoms of TMD

Tooth Pain TMD presents with an array of symptoms, which affected Silver Spring residents can experience in any combination, to any degree and for any length of time. “Some patients experience bouts of TMD that last only a week or two. Others live with constant head and neck pain, stiffness and discomfort as a result of this condition,” explains the Silver Spring dentist. “This condition tends to be more common amongst women and in people aged 20 to 40.”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out what the Silver Spring dental implants professional has to say about the symptoms of TMD, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series!